Office at Night - Edward Hopper
L'œuvre en bref
Office at Night depicts a night scene in a lighted office. Two figures, a man in a suit and a woman in a dress, appear to be engaged in their respective tasks. The man is sitting at a cluttered desk, while the woman is standing by an open file cabinet. The colour palette includes dark and warm tones, with shades of brown, green and beige. The artificial light sources create striking contrasts between the lit areas and the shadows.
The realistic composition emphasises the geometric shapes and architectural lines of the furniture and room elements, reinforcing the visual structure of the work. Meticulous details, such as the objects on the desk and the textures of the clothes, add realism to the scene. Hopper succeeds in capturing the nocturnal atmosphere of an office and the tension that exists between the characters, depicting a seemingly mundane scene that reveals the more subtle aspects of working life and the underlying social dynamics.
Want to buy another Edward Hopper painting? Check out all of our reproductions by this artist.
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Reproduction of Villas in Bordighera by Claude Monet

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