Room in New York - Edward Hopper
L'œuvre en bref
Room in New York is a realistic work by Edward Hopper, an artist renowned for his ability to capture the essence of loneliness and alienation in scenes of everyday American life. The work shows a man and a woman in a warmly coloured room; the man is engrossed in reading a newspaper while the woman plays a piano. Their separate activities and the lack of interaction between them suggest an emotional distance, despite their physical proximity.
This genre scene is typical of Hopper's style, which uses space, colour and light to accentuate themes of isolation and inner contemplation. Although the scene is domestic and perhaps familiar, there is a palpable sense of unspoken tension or missing communication between the two figures.
Want to buy another Edward Hopper painting? Discover all our reproductions by this artist.
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Reproduction de Room in New York de Edward Hopper

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