Sailing - Edward Hopper
L'œuvre en bref
This realistic work by Edward Hopper depicts a peaceful sailing scene on a calm stretch of water. A lone sailboat is at the centre of the composition, with its white sail billowing in the wind. The dominant colours are the deep blue of the water, the light blue of the sky, and the bright white of the sail and clouds.
The simplicity of the composition gives the work a serene and contemplative atmosphere. The smooth surface of the water reflects the hues of the sky and the shadows of the sail, creating a subtle play of light and contrast. In this way, "Sailing" demonstrates Hopper's ability to capture moments of tranquility and solitude, even in seemingly ordinary scenes.
Want to buy another Edward Hopper painting? Check out all of our reproductions of this artist.
Comparez avec l’original
Reproduction of Path in the wheat fields at Pourville by Claude Monet

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