At Eternity's Gate - Vincent Van Gogh
L'œuvre en bref
Vincent Van Gogh's painting At Eternity's Gate is a real visual symphony of human depression and despair. It is a poignant work of the post-impressionist movement, using a palette of sober, sombre colours. In it, Van Gogh captures the very essence of isolation, represented by an old man huddled together, abandoning himself to his grief.
The painting, which is both a portrait and a genre scene, shows the artist mastering raw emotional expression. The broad brushstrokes, rough texture and bold use of colour are typical of Van Gogh, but here they convey a sense of overwhelm and loneliness that remains long after our eyes have turned away from this disturbing vision.
Want to buy another Vincent Van Gogh painting? Discover all our reproductions of this artist.
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Reproduction of Path in the wheat fields at Pourville by Claude Monet

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