Avenue of Poplars in Autumn - Vincent Van Gogh
L'œuvre en bref
Avenue of Poplars in Autumn is a work by Vincent Van Gogh, the great master of Post-Impressionism. This painting plunges us into the autumnal magic of an avenue of poplars, perfectly illustrating the landscape genre.
In this painting, the viewer's gaze is guided along a path bordered by majestic trees with orange leaves. The warm autumn colours are boldly distributed across the canvas, contrasting with the sky and the leaf-covered ground. Van Gogh's brushes, with their energetic movements, give a sense of life and movement to the image, as if the wind were blowing through the poplars. This depiction, both realistic and expressive, demonstrates the artist's ability to capture the quintessence of natural landscapes.
Would you like to buy another Vincent Van Gogh painting? Discover all our reproductions of this artist.
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Reproduction of Surfaces and lines by Vassily Kandinsky

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