Cairn in Snow - Caspar David Friedrich
L'œuvre en bref
Caspar David Friedrich, a major figure of German Romanticism, plunges us into a wintry landscape with his work Dolmen in the Snow. The painting shows an ancient dolmen, one of those megalithic structures shrouded in mystery, emerging from the frozen ground and covered in a thin layer of snow. Cold tones dominate the scene, where the cloudy, whitish sky blends with the immaculate white expanse of the ground. The absence of human presence accentuates the feeling of solitude and abandonment, evoking the inexorable passage of time and the permanence of nature in the face of the fragility of human life. Through this landscape, Friedrich explores the notion of transcendence, typical of his artistic approach, inviting the viewer to reflect introspectively on mortality, memory and man's place in eternity.
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Reproduction de Dolmen sous la neige de Caspar David Friedrich

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