Chôshi in the province of Shimôsa - Hokusai
L'œuvre en bref
Chôshi in Shimôsa province stands out for the strength of the natural elements that Hokusai chose to depict. At the heart of this ukiyo-e painting, the tumultuous ocean is unleashed, forming foaming waves that seem ready to devour the sky. On a small boat, fishermen struggle against the force of the elements, illustrating the precariousness and courage of human existence in the face of nature's grandeur. Deep, varied shades of blue dominate the composition, adding to the sensation of immensity. With this genre scene set in a seascape, Hokusai reminds us of the fragile balance between man and his environment, while celebrating the wild beauty of nature.
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Reproduction de Chôshi dans la province de Shimôsa de Hokusai

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