The keelboats raising the coals in the moonlight - William Turner
L'œuvre en bref
William Turner's Keelboats Raise Embers in the Moonlight is a celebration of light and colour, blending maritime and industrial elements in a harmony that reflects British Romanticism. The hypnotic hues of the evening dawn infuse the painting, with the silvery lights of the moon reflecting off the water, creating an almost supernatural atmosphere. The keelboats, characteristic flatboats, are seen hoisting loads of coal, their silhouettes forming a dramatic contrast with the surrounding luminescence.
Turner uses the painting to express a paradoxical coexistence between industry and nature, an unstable balance that he renders through dynamic brushstrokes and vivid colours. The flashes of gold and blue, and the omnipresent shadow of the boats, suggest the tension inherent in this coexistence, making the work a memorable representation of the Industrial Revolution in full swing.
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