Wheat field under storm clouds - Vincent Van Gogh
L'œuvre en bref
This post-impressionist work is dominated by a vast field of golden wheat that stretches to the horizon. The yellow hues contrast with the dark, tumultuous sky, filled with grey and bluish storm clouds. This striking contrast creates an atmosphere charged with emotion and tension.
Van Gogh's characteristic style is evident in this painting, with its energetic and expressive brushstrokes. The movements of the wheat seem almost palpable, reinforcing the feeling of impending wind and storm.
The diagonal composition of the field, together with the slender, solitary trees, accentuates the depth and perspective of the landscape. "Wheat Field under Storm Clouds" reflects Van Gogh's tormented state of mind at the end of his life, while at the same time offering a poignant testimony to the wild and untamed beauty of nature. This work is considered one of the artist's last major achievements, leaving an indelible legacy in the history of art.
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Reproduction of Wheat field under storm clouds by Vincent Van Gogh

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